Legal Disclaimer


This is a personal blog written and edited by courtney parker interiors, llc. We created this site to have a space to share our design projects, behind the scenes details, design tips, lifestyle + products we love. 

We strive for transparency in all that we do. That being said… this blog accepts some form of payment, including but not limited to: sponsorship, cash advertising, and affiliated links. If a post includes any form of payment it will be disclosed. 

All products mentioned are products that Wie believe in and use ourselves. We promise to never post products we don’t feel meet our standards. It is still important for you to do your research by reading reviews, and seeking any information necessary for you. 

Republication Policy


You may publish a quote of up to 99 words from one of our original articles, that must include a link to the original article. If you do republish anything from courtney parker interiors, llc it must show exactly as it is on our website (including, but not limited to, pictures, writing and links). You must receive special permission, written and signed by courtney parker interiors, llc. To publish any of our websites of 100 words or more.

Privacy Policy


All personal information of our visitors on www.courtneyparkerinteriors.com will never be sold to third parties. You have the right to opt-in or opt-out of our subscription newsletter. We have links to sites that may have different privacy policies, please contact them for more information. 

If you have any questions regarding this disclaimers + policies please email: admin@courtneyparkerinteriors.com